Highlights of the Highlands

16. nóvember 2013 | 70 myndir
IMG 2618
IMG 2614
IMG 2612
IMG 2598
IMG 2595
IMG 2594

Hekla Volcano Hike

16. nóvember 2013 | 10 myndir
On the way up
Almost to the top
1491m elevation the top
On the way down
Lunch break
True Lunch Break

Þórsmörk Action Tour

16. nóvember 2013 | 10 myndir
Ridge between Stakkholt end Steinholt
Peak Mt. Glacier
Fantastic one
Fantastic two
Fantastic three
Fantastic Four

Þórsmörk Safari

16. nóvember 2013 | 10 myndir
On the way to the top of Valahnjúkur
Highlands of Iceland

Felgur til sölu

5. júlí 2013 | 4 myndir
IMG 1503
IMG 1501
IMG 1500
IMG 1499


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